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In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, a policy regarding vaccination is required to ensure the safety of all staff, gymnasts and others attending our programs.  Flipping Fit (FF) is committed to protecting the health of its staff and gymnasts and providing a safe and happy place for everyone to enjoy the sport of gymnastics.  This policy document outlines how vaccination requirements apply to anyone working in or attending our gymnastics programs regardless of the venue/facility.


This policy is in place to protect Flipping Fit (FF), FF coaches and staff, gymnasts and relations, and the community we serve by outlining specific requirements regarding vaccination status for these individuals.


The objectives of the FF Covid Vaccination Policy are:

  • To protect FF gymnasts and families

  • To protect employees and owners

  • To protect other coaches, gymnasts and families who also use the venues/facilities we hire

  • To protect the reputation of FF

  • To enable the full suite of FF programs to operate and stay open and minimise lockdowns of venues/facilities we hire

  • To ensure the FF meets it’s legal and governing obligations


As Covid-19 is an new and emerging issue affecting our operations, and as government policies change so too will our policies be changed and adapted according to current regulations. 



This policy applies to the following FF members, regardless of if they are in paid or unpaid/voluntary positions:

  • Gymnasts

  • Parents/Guardians of gymnasts

  • Children/Siblings of Members

  • All coaches, staff or volunteers

  • Any person over the age of 16 attending a venue/facility in which FF operate

  • Any person 12 years and over is included as of 22/11/21


This policy applies to vaccination status for Covid-19 only.  This policy applies to all venues/facilities where FF operate.



The vaccination requirements outlined are based on a review of the clinical evidence regarding the impact of vaccination status on getting the virus, transmitting it to others, and the severity of illness. Government vaccination mandates are an emerging and evolving topic and this may extend vaccination requirements beyond those outlined.


The requirements below have been adapted and adopted from Waverley Gymnastics Centre policies by which we are governed, and apply from the time of FF reopening, currently expected to be on Friday 5 November 2021.


Coaches/Staff: All FF coaches/staff are required to be fully vaccinated (two doses) prior to returning onsite.


Gymnasts 16 or over: All gymnasts aged 16 or over are required to be fully vaccinated. Included as of 22 November is gymnasts or persons 12 years and over. 


Gymnasts under 12: Vaccination is not currently required. However, all gymnasts are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated when the vaccine is available for their age group. Gymnasts should note that, should vaccination be a requirement for that age group to participate in community sport, they will be required to be fully vaccinated in order to continue attending FF onsite programs.


Any person 12 or over wanting to enter a venue/facility (indoors) in which FF operates: Any person aged 12 or over is required to be fully vaccinated to enter inside a venue/facility in which FF operates. Examples include: parents /carers bringing a child, parents/partners/friends dropping off or picking up an FF coach or member, siblings or children of an FF member, anyone wanting to access reception or viewing areas. 


Medical Exemption: a valid medical exemption is permitted if an individual is unable to be vaccinated because they: - have a medical contraindication to COVID-19 vaccines, or - have an acute medical illness, including COVID-19 infection for up to 6 months (or earlier if the medical practitioner specifies an earlier date) Those individuals will not be considered ‘unvaccinated’ as part of FF venue/facility requirements. A valid medical exemption will be required to be provided to FF. Anyone intending to provide a medical exemption is advised to refer to the government directives regarding the type of information required and to contact FF who can provide this information to individuals. FF will follow state government directives regarding acceptable contraindications, ATAGI clinical guidance and the type of medical practitioner able to provide an exemption.


Medical exemptions will be reviewed by the Owner of Flipping Fit.


Resources and information:






Documentation and administration systems will support the application of this policy. Vaccination status will be checked as part of attendance on site and entry into FF venues/facilities. Information on the process will be provided on site, by email and on the FF website. Coaches/Staff will be required to provide evidence of vaccination through their immunisation certificate.


Anyone not fully vaccinated in line with this policy (i.e. where age eligible and without a medical exemption) will not be able to enter inside FF venues/facilities. Vaccination status of individuals is private information, and FF will ensure records are kept safe of vaccination status in line with its other processes for storage of confidential information. Under no circumstances will vaccination status of individuals be shared by FF with other staff, gymnasts or other adults. This particularly applies to those with a medical exemption.



Approved By: Owner/Flipping Fit, 19 October 2021

Review Date: December 2021 (three monthly or sooner if required)

Last Updated: 22 November 2021

Policy Owner: Owner/Flipping Fit

Contact Details:


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